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Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello JTroopers!

I would like to wish you all a happy new year! This has been the year where TJT first started, we'll remember this year for the time to come : )

Here's a paintball2 graphic I made to wish you all a happy new year.

3rni kicked from the team

3rni has been in TJT for quite a while, however he has become rather arrogant and has disobeyed almost every single TJT rule. I have warned him many times, but I'm sad to say, it had to be done.

TJT is a place for nice people, people who give respect and honor to one another, as I said we are a TEAM! 3rni only joined TJT to use us for the training, he said he'd leave once he got better to join a different clan.

So bye 3rni, I warned you.

Sunday 30 December 2012

Introducing Ranks!

Hello JTroopers!

I am proud to introduce another TJT project I've been working on. -RANKS!

This feature was strongly suggested by elapse and 3rni. So, with a lot of thinking, I have decided to start on it!

Okay so firstly, why have ranks?
Well, ranks are a great way to express who is/does what. For example, if someone has been in TJT for a while, very active and plays a lot of matches in TJT, he should be recognized for that and be promoted. It's also very handy when it comes to power, if there's a member with a high rank than you, then you should listen to them and obey their commands. Another good thing about ranks, is so that we can recognize who is currently in training, who is an official JTrooper and who does mapping etc etc.

The system is currently a work in progress, but the main page is finished! ;D

I will be coming up with a system for our tags, so we can incorporate ranks into them via colors.

More coming up!

-Keep the fun going

I have kicked
GUETTA - Has not been active, no way to contact me.
Xenoxide - Has not played at all (Only friend of mine, tried to get him to play paintball2, never did)
V1P3R - Never plays anymore and disobeys rules very often.


Monday 24 December 2012

New Server! (TJT Zone Euro)

Hey JTroopers.

I want to say a HUGE special thanks to ic3y for our new Euro server!

Ping for our Euro members will now be far much better thanks to ic3y!

For more information go here:http://thejtroopers.blogspot.co.uk/p/our-ser.html


TheJTroopers Bootcamp!

Greetings JTroopers!

I am proud to announce the release of TheJTroopers Bootcamp!

This place will be the main training place. You can find the map on the downloads page.

Merry Christmas from the team! :D

Merry Christmas!

Hey the JTroopers,
Merry Christmas from and to all the team!

: )

Saturday 22 December 2012

elapse - new co-leader in TJT

I (elapse) want to announce, that i am the new co-leader of our clan TheJTroopers. I am glad and very proud that JMR chose me to be the co-leader and i want to thank this clan to give me the chance to train new players up to become better and better for "DigitalPaintball 2". This clan is for me different to other clans, because i enjoyed a very great community since i joined the clan.
So, to all TJTs - thank you for enjoy this clan with me and
      to all clanless players - you are welcome in TJT

~ greetz elapse ~

wHoa betrays TJT

Hey JTroopers,

I'm said to say, but one of our, who I thought was loyal, JTroopers has decided to quit on us and  betray us. By suddenly leaving TJT and starting up his own clan.

Let this be a lesson for you all, always keep your guard up, don't let people who you thought you could trust, bring you down.

wHoa left TJT, he was a good player, but unfortunately, not a loyal one.

This has been JMR, reporting from thejtroopers.blogspot.com,

Friday 21 December 2012

Welcome cAto!

Hey everyone,

I am proud to announce that cAto has now joined TheJTroopers!

Welcome cAto! :)

Thursday 20 December 2012


Hey, I'd like to give a warm welcome to 2 new members of TJT!


I am currently awaiting they're contacts.
I need their skype, irc or xfire names.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

TheJTroopers Training Times

Hello JTroopers!

To make sure you do not miss out on events. I have decided to make designated training times.

Meet at TheJTroopers Zone at 16:00. So when this clock reaches 16:00, go to TheJTroopers Zone.

This is the official TJT clock that you should go by. If you have any problems concerning the time then please contact JMR as soon as posisble and I'll try and see if I can change it.

So to make sure you are aware what time the main TJT events/training will be on. I have added my own little HTML widget that informs you of the current TJT event time and what time you should go to TheJTroopers Zone.

Training will not be EVERY DAY, because we all have lives. But, meet at TheJTroopers Zone at 16:00 every day (if you can), just so you don't miss out of an event does take place.

Keep cool!

Thursday 13 December 2012

TheJTroopers Zone - SERVER!

Hello JTroopers!


Superman is hosting a server for TJT! This means no more of that dreaded ping and in with har5d core training and more fun!

Visit TheJTroopers Zone now, it's on 24/7 :)

Welcome Ramos4 and McFadden!

I'd like to give a warm welcome to our latest TJT members Ramos4 and McFadden! :)

Welcome to the team guys :)

Tuesday 11 December 2012

TJT New name format!

Hello JTroopers!

I have decided to change the official name format of TJT, just adjust your name bind to the following.

Replace 'YOURNAME' with your name.
bind "2" "name ˆA¼ôêô¾ˆ‡YOURNAME‡ˆA‘"

Your name must contain at least 70% of that blue.

The name was adjusted over a meeting we had.

#good as it is now
#nice looking the same makes us look like a team
#we look more belogning together
#the red blocks standout our clan and our tag

#wHoa dislikes the red and yellow a lot
#wHoa thinks we should keep it simple
#wHoa would like to decide what colors he uses to his name

#dislikes colors but makes the clan look well.
#They should stay the same but the blocks need changing
#Likes the yellow text because it supports the color scheme

#clan tag should be yellow
#thinks the name colour should be decided by us

#thinks the blocks should be removed
#likes the red color
#thinks it should be more simple
#thinks the yellow color should represent rank

#likes the read color
#blocks should be removed
#namecolor shouldn't be yellow

Okay so now you know how to bind the new name. We spent a while coming up with the new name format. It allows more customizability, yet keeps us looking like a team!

Thanks, I'll edit the getting started guide to suite the adjustment.

We care about your opinion!

Monday 10 December 2012

2 Members Kicked For Inactvity

I'm sorry to say that I've had to kick 2 members from TJT for inactivity and plainly not doing anything in the clan. They have not been botherd to contact me in over 15 days.

The two members that have been kicked are called;

  • MoHawkBoy (Spoke once in-game, he joined, asked him to contact me, never did and never seen him since)
  • AmirConan (Never plays paintball2 anymore, has not spoke to me since he joined)
I realize I am accepting people into TheJTroopers a little too easily, without finding out much about them. I have learned from this and I have decided to kick those two members. All the other members of TJT I have done research on and took into account how much they speak to me, how much they get involved, Etc. Everyone that is currently in TJT is safe from being kicked (unless you majorly break rules on purpose). So, I will be very careful about who I let into TJT from now on.

Thankfully, we have many new players that are very good and have a great personality. 

TJT may be going into 'lock down' soon. This means that I may stop recruiting players and start really focusing on the people we have to train them up and build our relationship as a team. Once that is done, I can then start recruiting again, but with tryouts.

Keep your goal high, we'll get there JTroopers!

J! Joy! Justice! The Mighty JTroopers Rule!

Welcome Missingo!

Hey JTroopers,

I'm proud to announce the latest member of TJT Missingo!

Missingo is a very nice person, with great skill. Missingo had loads of clans inviting him and of all, he chose us! So we are very fortunate to have Missingo in our team!

When you get the chance, please give a warm welcome to Missingo!

J! Joy! Justice! The Mighty JTroopers Rule!

Saturday 8 December 2012

New Members!

I'd like to welcome some new members of TJT. They are the following :

  • Elapse
  • Divka
  • wHoa
  • ccquickstep
  • moped

The following members need a means of contacting me:

  • moped
Welcome to the team :)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Understanding TheJTroopers: The Commands

Hello fellow paintballers!

In this part of the 'Understanding TheJTroopers' series we are going to dive deep into the commands of TheJTroopers. Explore ways in which to communicate and other in-game and rules to follow. I will also be explaining some in-game guidelines to help us work BETTER as a team. So here I give you - Understanding TheJTroopers : The Commands!

Tactics in paintball2 can be tough, mainly because it can get so fast-paced out there in those matches. That is why TheJTroopers have commands to follow, these commands will not only make our clan more professional, but altogether - make our teamwork work!

Okay, so lets talk a bit about your daily paintball2 routine. What do you do? Do you...
  • Play a speed server
  • Play a public server
  • Play a jump server
  • Play a 24/7 server
  • Play a pgp server
Well, a lot of users do all of them. But the question is, what should you spend most of your time on paintball2 doing? The answer is - THERE is no particular answer. Instead, there is a method to follow. That method being, PLAY the games that WILL make you better at paintball2. There's no point in spending hours on a speed server if all the players there are newbies and you are there spawn-camping, instead it would of been better for you if you'd spent that time, say on a public server where more experienced players are. Or it could work the other way. For example you are experienced and do well in public servers, but find it hard against large numbers of paintballers who are all spraying everywhere. You should play what makes you better.

So now that you can determine what games to play when, you can now train in your own time when there are no TJT events on. But bare in mind, that when you are on these games - set a good example! Do not spam, swear, insult, flame, rage and use grammar. The last thing we want is tons of JTroopers on public servers spamming and raging.

When in TJT events there are a few command to look out for. I will be stating them here and explaining them. So here they are:

NOTE: All 'voice' commands will start with a . if the so called "command" does not start with a . then it is not a voice command.
- If # is not stated it is by default is the nearest clear line marked on the floor closest to the person who said it. If # is stated, it is where you should line up. For example: "LINE on the edge of that ramp by the tree"
You should always line up shoulder-to-shoulder and make it straight.

When Said: J! Joy! Justice! The Mighty JTroopers Rule!
 - When someone says this, you say it also. As a JTrooper this should be binded to the key 'x'. So when someone says it, press x so you do to. There's no point of being in TJT if you don't say our motto with other members.

Action: When a bullet is shot at you by the same team member
- This, by default means to get cover. It is a warning to the other member. NOTE: This may also change depending on the event. You will be notified in-game of any command changes relative to that event.

Action: When a team member shoots at something next to you

- The team member wants you to go that direction to which he is shooting, often comes after a wave. NOTE: Do not mistake this for a 'miss' by the team member.

.formation #
- Formations are said before matches and in training, the only chance you'll get to know the formations is by attending events. # refers to the formation number. For example ".formation 7"
- When this happens you help the person who says it get on a certain object or get over a certain obstacle, for example there is a barrel that the person wants to get on and the person says ".stack", then you should crouch next to him so he can hop on you. When there are large amounts of people you need to make a staircase to get up to high points. This is practiced in training.

[ #1 #2 ]
It always starts with a '[', This is used to describe where a particular person is. #1 is the person, #2 is the location. For example "[enemy hiding on ramp". This is done with a bind in you're locs file. For more information that, read the guide on getting started.

- Known as 'return' to a destination. The destination will be defined in the actual event before this command is used. So when you see it, return your player to that particular place on the map.

.goTo #
- # can be a reference to a destination on the map. Example ".goTo middle grey ramp" or ".goTo TacticPlaceB"

Okay that is the end of The Commands, I will update this as more commands develop Etc.

Remember to keep checking back on this blog for more posts to the Understanding TheJTroopers series.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Understanding TheJTroopers - The Basics

Hello and welcome to the first part of the 'Understanding TheJTroopers' series.
In this article I will be going through the following things:

  • What TheJTroopers are all about
  • Explaining our logo
  • Stating the guidelines
Okay, so lets get started! So, what are TheJTroopers all about? Well, TheJTroopers are all about increasing the enjoyment you have on paintball2, whether that is making new friends, battling it out in official matches, leading meetings, exploring new matches or just generally the fun of being part of a TEAM. Yes, I said it, TEAM, something which has been missed out a lot in clans on paintball2, yeah sure you can have a clan, but are they a team? Do they work as a team? Do they plan as a TEAM? Do they party as a team? Do they socialize as a team? Do they train as a TEAM? For the most common clans, no they don't. They just battle as a team and that's about it. But as for us JTroopers, we do all of the mentioned above!

Quick Fact: Our official team-color is   RED  
TheJTroopers are not ALWAYS active, I mean, we do have lives so you can't expect us on 24/7, however we are not INACTIVE either. You could say we are active all the time, but not on all the time. - If you know what I mean.

If you want to keep in touch with JTroopers either download KVIrc: ftp://ftp.kvirc.de/pub/kvirc/4.2.0/binary/win32/KVIrc-4.2.0-Equilibrium.exe, join #paintball, #team_tjt and #TJT.  For a guide on getting started with KVIrc go here: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=15445.0.

Also you should get a program called xfire, get it here (it's free): http://www.xfire.com/download/now/. My username is: thejkid

Now, for explaining our logo, lets bring it up larger shall we?

^ This logo is infact an artistic form of a J, hand-drawn by JMR himself. The colors are inspired by the common team colors used in-game, RED, BLUE, PURPLE and YELLOW - All bright colors and work GREAT TOGETHER, like us, we are bright, work together well and are all a TEAM!

J itself does not mean just one word, but it stands for a few words. Joy, Justice and Jordan (Jordan's Troopers).

Now for the guidelines. As a JTrooper you must follow these guidelines. If you do not follow these, you will be kicked from TheJTroopers.
  • Your name must ALWAYS be in proper format in any TJT event or when commanded to by the leader. That means it should be _The_Official_Tag_ then two red blocks each side of your name, then in yellow - your username itself. Names are like this to make sure that ranks are not mixed up.
  • Never claim to be a rank that you are not.
  • Always use good grammar, you are representing TJT, so act like it.
  • Do not swear.
  • State the motto when any other member does.
  • Always obey orders given by the leader.
  • Never team-eliminate
  • Never spam the chat
  • Be a good-troop, if you win or loose a match, make sure you say 'Good game' and *shake hands*-sort of speak. Don't moan if you loose, but complain if you suspect foul play.
  • Keep reading this blog and looking for updates.
  • Get a way of chatting with the leader and other TJT members (either xfire or mIRC or both.)
  • Never impersonate another person.
  • Never insult anyone

Okay, that pretty much does it for this part of the series. Keep checking back for the latest posts on TheJTroopers!

TJT Fieldrunner In The Making!

Hello fellow paintballers,

I am working on our first ever map - TJT Fieldrunner. The official thread for this can be found here: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=25458 - I will keep that thread updated as much as I can.
TJT Fieldrunner is a map that is meant to have a lot of open space, but cover at the same time. The map is meant to have many different routes and create a great CTF experience not only for plain games, but for matches too. When we meet all these goals, the game will be released as full (non-beta).
To download the latest version of TJT Fieldrunner, go to the downloads page.

Friday 26 October 2012

Getting Started (IMPORTANT)

Hello fellow paintballers.
 In order tpo become a JTrooper this is a MUST-DO. You should go first go to the about page: http://thejtroopers.blogspot.co.uk/p/about.html and click and read everything there as it is very important.

Then follow these steps.


Make sure you adjust your config file as the following.
To access the config file go to the location where you installed paintball2 then /pball/configs/config.cfg

[Note, right click > open with > notepad]

 Now we  have to bind in the clan motto. For this we will use the key 'x' and bind that to the motto. So just paste the following text into the command line.

bind "x" "ê¡ ÊÏÙ êõóôéãå! ˆAôèå ÍÉÇÈÔÙ ˆAÊÔroopersˆ× òõìå!"
Now just save it and your done!


You need to know how to open up the console. There is a shortcut key somewhere on your keyboard that will bring up the console. For most of the people the key looks like ¬, and that is equal to a back tick (`). To find out what key is your console shortcut key, go to the location where you installed paintball2 then /pball/configs/default.cfg

Now where it says bind SOMETHING "toggleconsole", this is where you'll find the shortcut key. Look what the SOMETHING is. If it's a ~ then you have to push the ~ key to bring up the console. If it's a `, then you have to press the ¬ or § key to bring up the console and so forth.

Now join an ordinary server and open up the console (press the shortcut key you found in the default.cfg file).

Now paste the following in the console, but NOTE: REPLACE ONLY YOURNAME with your popular name. DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING ELSE. Your name must be at least 70% blue.
bind "2" "name ˆA¼ôêô¾ˆ‡YOURNAME‡ˆA‘"

When you press the number '2' in-game. You'll notice that you're name has changed (if your name was not equal to the name already.) Now if you've done all of that correctly, just do one final command in the console
bind / wave

When you press '/' in-game you'll notice it now should log 'flipoff' and your character will give a wave. In TJT waves are used as signals. Normally for 'follow me', but sometimes also used for plans.

In the command log type
crosshair #
-replace # with anything between 1-7, keep which ever cross hair you prefer most.

Now in the command log, type
alias -dj "-moveup"
then press enter
and then type
alias +dj "+moveup;4waits;-moveup;4waits;+moveup;4waits"
and press enter
then finally type
bind "SPACE" "+dj"
Once you have completed that, you can now double jump just by pressing space! Walk up to a crate sized-box and just before you run into it press space, you'll gain a nice height.
If you've completed all of the above, you are now set to be a JTrooper!

Recon can be vital for matches and training. It's when someone dies, then chase-cam's the person who died and uses the .loc files to automatically say where the enemy is. So first go to the downloads page: http://thejtroopers.blogspot.co.uk/p/downloads.html and download the location files and replace your current locs folder, with that one.

Next open up your config file and now we need to make some more binds. Paste all of the following into the bottom of your config file.

bind "q" fov 40
- When you press q in game it will give you a better zoom in to see where the enemy is hiding.
bind "e" fov 110
- This is a good field of view and you should normally keep it at this, if you're fov is say, zoomed in, then just press 'e' to zoom back out.

bind "p" "say_team [enemy, $loc_here ]"
- now in game when you press 'p' it will say where you are. So it's important when you get eliminated that you switch to 'camera' observer mode which puts your position to the enemies position.

bind "o" "camera"
- when you press 'o' in-game when you are eliminated you'll be on a 'chasecam'-sort of view. You're position is set to there's so now you can do recon by pressing p.

 NOTE: You'll have to toggle through each person until you get the person that you want to get the position of. It'll say 'chasing _namehere_'. That's what the next bind is for.

bind "[" "invnext"
 - Now when you press 'o' you'll notice that you are in chase mode, now to toggle to the person you want to chase so you can use the recon, press [ until you get to the right person. Then keep pressing p every time the enemy moves to a certain location, it will then say where the enemy is automatically for you.

Also a neat other little one is
bind "i" "say_team [Me, $loc_here ]"
Now when you are in the middle of a match and not in eliminated mode, press i to tell the team members where you are. It is good for quick thinking. For example say, you are defending the flag, the other member could go and attack knowing that you are watching the flag, etc etc.

Some quick notes:

  • When firing a timed nade you can hold the fire button down and release the button when you want the paint nade to explode. Very handy for defense.
  • When in a map, fire in popular locations that people normally hide, even if you don't see them there, fire away. This technique is called 'lining' and it is very common in matches. It is fine to spam paint, it's all part of the technique. This is how sometimes, you'll find people get you as soon as you go around a corner.

Friday 5 October 2012

TheJTroopers Are Here!

Hey everyone!

My paintball2 team is here! You can join it at http://dplogin.com/index.php?action=viewclan&clanid=15524!

Once I get a good member count I am planning on building a HQ map for meetings (where team members come to discuss things).

I am also planning on making a few other maps for this team! :)

We are not just a "PB2 clan" we are a TEAM. Together Enjoying Any Match. Our goal is to help you enjoy paintball2 more and also to help people get better at Paintball2! To add to enjoyment, this TEAM is competitive, so don't disobey orders!

I will be posting the rules, general information Etc, on this website. So keep checking back!

I recommend you follow me on twitter here : https://twitter.com/JordanMRichards.

I hope to see you in our team!

See you around!