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NOTE: To download, click on the box you desire to download upon, then it'll open a new tab with the download displayed. Right click on that download and click 'DOWNLOAD'. Then the download should start.
TJT Fieldrunner Latest Downlaod:
Version: BETA 3.0, Last updated 04/11/2012

External Information about this download: http://thejtroopers.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/tjt-fieldrunner-in-making.html.

TJT HQ Latest Downlaod:
Version: Non-specific, Last updated 20/11/2012

TJT Bootcamp Latest Downlaod:
Version: 1.0, Last updated 24/12/2012

DOWNLOAD IS PRIVATE - Contact JMR for download

Extract the .zip file and replace your current /locs folder in C:\Games\Paintball2\locs with the downloaded one.

Version: Non-specific, Last updated 10/11/2012

TJT Textures
These files are very important in order to see important TJT textures in-game. Extract the .zip file to  C:\Games\Paintball2\pball\textures, if it asks you to replace it, do so. There should now be a folder inside  C:\Games\Paintball2\pball\textures called 'tjt' and inside that, the textures.

Version: Non-specific, Last updated 20/11/2012

TJT Mapping Files: Unzip that file into the bsp textures folder: C:\bsp\pball2\quake2\pball\textures name the folder 'tjt' Textures:

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