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Wednesday 9 January 2013

I am leaving paintball2

Hello 'friends',

I would of wrote an essay.. turns out, everyone hates me being serious so I'll just do it in bullet point fashion.

  • I have decided to leave paintball2
  • I am handing over leadership to ramos4.
  • I left because my best friend left my clan (elapse)
  • I also left because I will never be accepted into the community of paintball2
  • I also left because you get looked down on for being serious and competetive in paintball2
  • I see no feature for paintball2, the game will die out and so will the players
  • I have spent weeks and hours working for my clan and the website.
That is all.

[Longer version and extra notes]

 would like to thank the following.
#Elapse, was great to work with - my co-worker, I can't run my clan by myself, too busy for that.

#Clipz - Taught me a lot, lines in maps etc. 

#Luckie - The guy who taught me how to get involved in the community and matches. When I joined he said I could be the next uk champion.. that is what made me serious to begin with.

#TRION - Always there, great friend, great personality.

#Viciouz - Great person, VERY helpful, always could talk to him. He donated TJT zone euro to me - I was thrilled!

#Superman - Great person, always there to answer questions. Donated TJT Zone [USA] to me.

& Everyone else from TJT. Guys feel free to leave the clan, but remember Ramos4 is the new leader now, so you don't have to leave.

I'm afraid I don't think coming back would be possible, paintball2 is only fun for me when I get to play it competitiveness, when I get mocked for that.. I don't really think I belong here.

Also by 'dead' I mean, it's just a game now. There is no seriousness left - that is what I found so fun, turns out, I am the only one that finds seriousness fun. ^_^

Well everyone, I am moving on. Thanks for everything!

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