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Tuesday 6 November 2012

Understanding TheJTroopers - The Basics

Hello and welcome to the first part of the 'Understanding TheJTroopers' series.
In this article I will be going through the following things:

  • What TheJTroopers are all about
  • Explaining our logo
  • Stating the guidelines
Okay, so lets get started! So, what are TheJTroopers all about? Well, TheJTroopers are all about increasing the enjoyment you have on paintball2, whether that is making new friends, battling it out in official matches, leading meetings, exploring new matches or just generally the fun of being part of a TEAM. Yes, I said it, TEAM, something which has been missed out a lot in clans on paintball2, yeah sure you can have a clan, but are they a team? Do they work as a team? Do they plan as a TEAM? Do they party as a team? Do they socialize as a team? Do they train as a TEAM? For the most common clans, no they don't. They just battle as a team and that's about it. But as for us JTroopers, we do all of the mentioned above!

Quick Fact: Our official team-color is   RED  
TheJTroopers are not ALWAYS active, I mean, we do have lives so you can't expect us on 24/7, however we are not INACTIVE either. You could say we are active all the time, but not on all the time. - If you know what I mean.

If you want to keep in touch with JTroopers either download KVIrc: ftp://ftp.kvirc.de/pub/kvirc/4.2.0/binary/win32/KVIrc-4.2.0-Equilibrium.exe, join #paintball, #team_tjt and #TJT.  For a guide on getting started with KVIrc go here: http://dplogin.com/forums/index.php?topic=15445.0.

Also you should get a program called xfire, get it here (it's free): http://www.xfire.com/download/now/. My username is: thejkid

Now, for explaining our logo, lets bring it up larger shall we?

^ This logo is infact an artistic form of a J, hand-drawn by JMR himself. The colors are inspired by the common team colors used in-game, RED, BLUE, PURPLE and YELLOW - All bright colors and work GREAT TOGETHER, like us, we are bright, work together well and are all a TEAM!

J itself does not mean just one word, but it stands for a few words. Joy, Justice and Jordan (Jordan's Troopers).

Now for the guidelines. As a JTrooper you must follow these guidelines. If you do not follow these, you will be kicked from TheJTroopers.
  • Your name must ALWAYS be in proper format in any TJT event or when commanded to by the leader. That means it should be _The_Official_Tag_ then two red blocks each side of your name, then in yellow - your username itself. Names are like this to make sure that ranks are not mixed up.
  • Never claim to be a rank that you are not.
  • Always use good grammar, you are representing TJT, so act like it.
  • Do not swear.
  • State the motto when any other member does.
  • Always obey orders given by the leader.
  • Never team-eliminate
  • Never spam the chat
  • Be a good-troop, if you win or loose a match, make sure you say 'Good game' and *shake hands*-sort of speak. Don't moan if you loose, but complain if you suspect foul play.
  • Keep reading this blog and looking for updates.
  • Get a way of chatting with the leader and other TJT members (either xfire or mIRC or both.)
  • Never impersonate another person.
  • Never insult anyone

Okay, that pretty much does it for this part of the series. Keep checking back for the latest posts on TheJTroopers!

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