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Wednesday 19 December 2012

TheJTroopers Training Times

Hello JTroopers!

To make sure you do not miss out on events. I have decided to make designated training times.

Meet at TheJTroopers Zone at 16:00. So when this clock reaches 16:00, go to TheJTroopers Zone.

This is the official TJT clock that you should go by. If you have any problems concerning the time then please contact JMR as soon as posisble and I'll try and see if I can change it.

So to make sure you are aware what time the main TJT events/training will be on. I have added my own little HTML widget that informs you of the current TJT event time and what time you should go to TheJTroopers Zone.

Training will not be EVERY DAY, because we all have lives. But, meet at TheJTroopers Zone at 16:00 every day (if you can), just so you don't miss out of an event does take place.

Keep cool!

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