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Monday 10 December 2012

2 Members Kicked For Inactvity

I'm sorry to say that I've had to kick 2 members from TJT for inactivity and plainly not doing anything in the clan. They have not been botherd to contact me in over 15 days.

The two members that have been kicked are called;

  • MoHawkBoy (Spoke once in-game, he joined, asked him to contact me, never did and never seen him since)
  • AmirConan (Never plays paintball2 anymore, has not spoke to me since he joined)
I realize I am accepting people into TheJTroopers a little too easily, without finding out much about them. I have learned from this and I have decided to kick those two members. All the other members of TJT I have done research on and took into account how much they speak to me, how much they get involved, Etc. Everyone that is currently in TJT is safe from being kicked (unless you majorly break rules on purpose). So, I will be very careful about who I let into TJT from now on.

Thankfully, we have many new players that are very good and have a great personality. 

TJT may be going into 'lock down' soon. This means that I may stop recruiting players and start really focusing on the people we have to train them up and build our relationship as a team. Once that is done, I can then start recruiting again, but with tryouts.

Keep your goal high, we'll get there JTroopers!

J! Joy! Justice! The Mighty JTroopers Rule!

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