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Sunday 30 December 2012

Introducing Ranks!

Hello JTroopers!

I am proud to introduce another TJT project I've been working on. -RANKS!

This feature was strongly suggested by elapse and 3rni. So, with a lot of thinking, I have decided to start on it!

Okay so firstly, why have ranks?
Well, ranks are a great way to express who is/does what. For example, if someone has been in TJT for a while, very active and plays a lot of matches in TJT, he should be recognized for that and be promoted. It's also very handy when it comes to power, if there's a member with a high rank than you, then you should listen to them and obey their commands. Another good thing about ranks, is so that we can recognize who is currently in training, who is an official JTrooper and who does mapping etc etc.

The system is currently a work in progress, but the main page is finished! ;D

I will be coming up with a system for our tags, so we can incorporate ranks into them via colors.

More coming up!

-Keep the fun going

I have kicked
GUETTA - Has not been active, no way to contact me.
Xenoxide - Has not played at all (Only friend of mine, tried to get him to play paintball2, never did)
V1P3R - Never plays anymore and disobeys rules very often.


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