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Wednesday 9 January 2013

I am leaving paintball2

Hello 'friends',

I would of wrote an essay.. turns out, everyone hates me being serious so I'll just do it in bullet point fashion.

  • I have decided to leave paintball2
  • I am handing over leadership to ramos4.
  • I left because my best friend left my clan (elapse)
  • I also left because I will never be accepted into the community of paintball2
  • I also left because you get looked down on for being serious and competetive in paintball2
  • I see no feature for paintball2, the game will die out and so will the players
  • I have spent weeks and hours working for my clan and the website.
That is all.

[Longer version and extra notes]

 would like to thank the following.
#Elapse, was great to work with - my co-worker, I can't run my clan by myself, too busy for that.

#Clipz - Taught me a lot, lines in maps etc. 

#Luckie - The guy who taught me how to get involved in the community and matches. When I joined he said I could be the next uk champion.. that is what made me serious to begin with.

#TRION - Always there, great friend, great personality.

#Viciouz - Great person, VERY helpful, always could talk to him. He donated TJT zone euro to me - I was thrilled!

#Superman - Great person, always there to answer questions. Donated TJT Zone [USA] to me.

& Everyone else from TJT. Guys feel free to leave the clan, but remember Ramos4 is the new leader now, so you don't have to leave.

I'm afraid I don't think coming back would be possible, paintball2 is only fun for me when I get to play it competitiveness, when I get mocked for that.. I don't really think I belong here.

Also by 'dead' I mean, it's just a game now. There is no seriousness left - that is what I found so fun, turns out, I am the only one that finds seriousness fun. ^_^

Well everyone, I am moving on. Thanks for everything!

Monday 7 January 2013

Introducing TheJTroopers Info Centre!

Greetings JTroopers!

I am proud to announce the arrival of TheJTroopers Info Centre!

TJT Info Centre is for TJT members only. To get an account on TJT info centre, you must contact me: email ******** (replace 'at' with @ and remove the spaces (done so bots don't spam me)) or you could contact me via ***** or ******

I coded TJT Centre website from scratch and spent hours putting effort into the design.

The purpose of the website is so anything TJT-only.. like passwords to training servers, secret ideas, plans, formations, ANYTHING! Can be posted on there, only visible to those who have an account.


On the centre I have coded a wall. What this basically is, is an area where users can post thoughts, notes, ideas, or anything you would like other members to know!

"Just one of the benefits of being a JTrooper"

Saturday 5 January 2013


After our (elapse & G@m3R) huge success in a match against 4Gn (dragonnator & c2o) i can pleased proclaim that TJTs win-loss record now is tie again! Maybe 4Gn will have a rematch later as 4s, so if any TJT is interested in this match contact Jordan (JMR) or me (elapse) on skype. If we have enough players we can talk about date and time.

So... stay awesome TJTs!

Friday 4 January 2013

New TJT Euro Server!

Hello everyone!

For those of you who noticed that our TJT Euro server went down, the reason is still unknown, but ic3y stopped hosting it. Thanks ic3y anyway, for the time it was up.

Now we have a much better server donated to TJT by Viciouz!

I can now upload maps with ease, because Viciouz is such a great lad, he gave me ftp access! : )

Anyway, this is going to benefit TJT a lot!
Thanks Viciouz!


For more information about our servers, visit http://thejtroopers.blogspot.co.uk/p/our-ser.html